Wednesday, February 24, 2010

No Motivation

Ok so obviously my little challenge is not going well. I just can't get up at 5am and I haven't been exercising consistantly. It just feels like my life is too busy.
So I'm scratching the 5am thing.

This issue reminds me of my early salvation. I totally lacked motivation in getting saved; but one day too many burdens and trials and tribulations led me right to my Savior and I made up my mind that I was going to walk the narrow road.

So I'm wondering what will it take to get me to live a more healthier life????? The borderline diabetes scare should be enough, but I just convinced myself if I eat right I should be ok, right??? WRONG!!! LOL

Ok so I say lets set some realistic goals.... I know for sure that I can get up at 6am, so I decided that I'm going to give 30 minutes to the Lord. Maybe the things I'm lacking is help from the Lord. This should be part of my "getting healthy" routine, first acknowledging the Lord in all my ways so that he can direct my path (Proverbs 3:6). My husband and I have to walk the doggies no later than 6:30, so from 6am to 6:30 I will give God my first fruits.

Now I have a really busy schedule, Tuesday and Wednesday I'm at church and really my only open days through out the work week are Mondays and Thursdays, so I will workout on those days after work. Fridays are up in the air depending on what's going on....and Saturdays and Sundays I'll just have to hustle my way through a morning workout. So I should at least do 4 workouts in a week and if I have any open time on those other days I will throw in a workout.

Huh....I sure hope I can stick to this plan. I do want to look good for my trip, but I'm sort of content with the way I look now, but I do want to look better. I know that it's going to take some really hard work and commitment from me in order to do what I need to do. So my prayer will be, "Lord give me the strength!!!"

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Blah, blah

Ok so this get up at 5am things just isn't working. I haven't gotten up once on time all week. I didn't get a chance to do exercise Tuesday or Wednesday night because I had other activities to do. But I'm going to do my exercise tonight it needed; I got a little tension and stress that I need to release.

But other than that nothings going on.....

Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 1-not off to good start...

Ok so I didn't wake up at 5am this morning and I didn't complete my whole workout. I was sooooooo tired. Let me explain....

Yesterday (which was Sunday) I went to church got my praise on then came home and I was pooped! :( I shouted all my energy out. I came home and then I went to sleep. Hubby wanted me to fix him dinner so badly but I really didn't have the energy to do so; thank God that he put a sleep spirit on Hubby too, cause as I took my nap, he took one too. And he got up and cooked his own food (bratwurst and some french fries).

I didn't wake up 'til 8pm Sunday evening, I warmed up some left over jerk catfish from the previous night and Hubby and I watch a movie. By the time the movie was over, which was around 10:47pm, I was pooped again and we turned in for the evening. I already knew that I wasn't going to get up at 5am because of the time that I went to bed.

So when I woke this morning I was EXTREMELY exhausted, I didn't even want to get up to walk the dogs with Hubby - I have a 4 year old beagle named Salsa and a 1 year old boxer named Buddy - but I made myself get up any way and we walked the dogs. The rest of my day was hazy and cranky.

I was half awake while driving to work, when I got there I sat in my car for 30 minutes and took a cat nap, then I was half awake while at my desk.

I know, I know, you're thinking with all this tiredness how did I come home and do my workout... I almost didn't. I came home walked the dogs, then sat down and read my Bible. I absoultely had no intention on working out today. After my Bible study I was going to get in my bed. But God has a way of making you do things that you know you should be doing.

When I opened up my Bible study the verse shot right out at me... 1 Corinthians 6:20 "For ye are bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's." Right then and there I knew I had to do my workout. I know I need to get in shape for my health and I have been praying and asking God to help me...I wanted him to give me the strength, but he showing me that in some things that if you get babied through the process then you'll never learn to lesson the experience is trying to teach you. So it was either obey the Word of God or disregard it...

So after meditating on a few scriptures I put in the workout dvd and hustled through it....well 3/4 of the way...y'all when I say I really didn't have energy, I really didn't have it to complete the workout, but I guarantee you I gave it all that had....God knows!!

So day one not too good but I give myself credit because I could've wussed out...I will try to wake up tomorrow at 5am and do my morning workout. Hubby has his bowling night tonight so I have nothing keeping me up so I should be able to get to bed on time to wake up on time.

Friday, February 12, 2010

About to embark on a new journey!!

Ok I have two issues: I'm not a morning person and I really need to get some excess fat off of me.

So I'm going to spend the next 92 days transforming my body and my mind. Let me explain...

I'm going on a western Caribbean cruise in May so I really want to get my body in tip top shape. Right now I weigh about 175-180 (my weight flip-flops all month long) and my current measurements are arms 12", hips 46", waist 36", thighs 25". When you look at my pictures you may not think I have much to work on....but oh do I know how to camouflage. So my goal weight is 160-165 and just to lose a few inches...

But that's really not the real reason I want to get into better shape, I'm border-line diabetic (because of the weight, doc said if I lose a few pounds I can reduce my risk) and Hubby has a fascination with Serena Williams muscles - so I'm going to attempt to get better toned.

Also, as stated earlier, I'm not a morning person so I'm attempting to change my natural body alarm to be an early riser. So for the next 13 weeks (the time until my cruise) I'm going to wake up at 5am and do my workout. This will hopefully kill two birds with one stone - get me in shape and hopefully change me into an early riser.

To add a little incentive I'm going to put $10 into a savings account each week I successfully get up at 5am, Monday through Friday, and complete my workout (which is approximately 60 minutes). I want to maybe give this money away at the end of these 13 weeks, although I know $130 is not a lot of money these days but I would like to give it away to some charity or someone who may need it.

I have no ideas about what to do with the money, so if any body is reading this and will follow me in this journey maybe you guys can help me come up with something.